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The Uveitis Fellowship is a 12-month program that begins in July. Fellows accepted into this service receive complete training in the diagnosis and treatment of all aspects of uveitis including complex anterior segment surgery, local pharmacologic injections and medical management with immunosuppressive medications.

Each fellow works with our cornea and uveitis faculty: Sanjay Kedhar, MD and Olivia L. Lee, MD. Fellows cover uveitis clinics at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute at both the UCI Medical Center in Orange and on the UCI campus, and at the VA Long Beach Healthcare System under faculty supervision. Teaching opportunities include working with our highly motivated ophthalmology residents and medical students.  

By working in a referral practice, fellows gain hands-on experience and learn to diagnose and manage a wide variety of uveitic and ocular inflammatory conditions, including conditions affecting both the anterior and posterior segment as well as the orbit. Surgical training will focus on anterior segment and can include corneal transplantation, complex cataract extraction, secondary intraocular lens implantation, ocular surface reconstruction, scleral and conjunctival biopsy, vitreous biopsy and use of posterior segment pharmacologic implants.

Opportunities are available for either clinical or laboratory research.  Research conducted includes clinical trials, studies of ocular imaging and laboratory-based studies.

The backgrounds and needs of our applicants vary, but there are many opportunities available so that each fellow can tailor an effective program of clinical and research projects to pursue.


Application Procedures

All applicants must register with and apply through San Francisco Match. Applications should be received by the department by the end of August.

Send supplemental materials — scores on the Ophthalmic Knowledge Assessment Program (OKAP), a CV and a photograph — via e-mail to:

Natally Alvarado
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Ophthalmology
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-4375
Phone: 949-824-7105

Interview Process

Applicants are notified by e-mail if they are selected for personal interviews with faculty members.


  • Choices for health, vision and dental insurance are available through the Veterans Administration at additional cost.
  • Life insurance is provided at no additional cost to the fellow.
  • Long-term disability insurance is offered at an additional cost through the University of California Regents.
  • Fellows are provided with professional liability coverage for all activities that are approved components of the fellowship program.
  • Other benefits include:
      - Two weeks of vacation and an academic leave each academic year
      - Financial support to attend major scientific meetings when the fellow is      a first author on a paper or abstract